Alpha Founders Pvt Ltd
Devdatta Phadke
Devtatta Phadke is having responsibility of Technical Director in our company. He is a mechanical engineer with a degree of B.E. (Mech). Having an experience of 14 years of in the industry, Devdatta ensures technical soundness of Alpha Founders in the Global market.
Yashodhan Phadke
Being an Engineer, Yashodhan possesses a degree in mechanical engineering with experience of 12 years in foundry industry. He is Commercial Director of the company. Marketing and customer base enhancement are the major roles of Yashodhan in Alpha Founders.
Abhijit Kulkarni
Keeping the working conditions and flow of work smooth is the role that Abhijit plays in the company. He is basically a Diploma Holder in mechanical engineering. Abhijit has 20 years of experience and his position in our company is Works Manager, Foundry.
Imran Pirjade
Imran is “Works Manager, Machining Division” in our company. He is having 14 years of experience and has good knowledge of Machines and Maintenance of them. Imran is a Diploma Holder in Mechanical Engineering .
Pravin Patil
Having a degree in Computer Applications (MCA) Pravin is responsible for sales management. Apart from Sales Management, he has additional responsibility of Product Planning and Control. Pravin is having 8 years of experience in the Foundry industry.
Chandrashekhar Jatti
Having 10 years of experience in the industry, and a Diploma in Mechanica Engineering, Chandrashekhar is Company Representative of our company. He has a responsibility of quality related things and customer care.